TRUTH | German Expressionism


Acrylic on canvas  |  June 2020  |  40x60"


“Art is creative for the sake of realization, not for amusement: for transfiguration, not for the sake of play. It is the quest of our self that drives us along the eternal and never-ending journey we must all make.”
― Max Beckmann


GERMAN EXPRESSIONISM: An early twentieth century German art movement that emphasized the artist's inner feelings or ideas over replicating reality, and was characterized by simplified shapes, bright colors and gestural marks or brushstrokes. It strung together the intense emotional angst of the collective citizens as WWII approached. High tension was the lowest common denominator among people in society and thus reflected in the art. Through their work, they reflected that a person was more than just a building block of the whole society. They sought to arouse the men against the “masters”.



Welcome to my covid-19 psalm. If you're reading this you already know about covid-19. Depending on who you talk to, it may or may not be considered a pandemic. Either way- there's a lot to chew on. This style had been saved for after the Pop Art piece (Kim Kardashian). Or so I thought...

When I began planning the series out I picked art movements that were uniquely different and planned to paint them in the order of which they evolved. I was mistaken on the timeline for German Expressionism and marked it down for after Pop Art. Fortunately my mistake on the movement's timeline turned up on a much more interesting scenario (perhaps I was meant to make this mistake?!). If I had made it after the Impressionism portrait as it would have been, then I would not have the raw inspiration and context that I now have given the state of the world.

The Impressionism piece was created back in 2014, so that's when it would have come in. I'm sure there was some big things happening in the world, but not nearly as big as the divisive, highly chaotic, health crisis and political theatre that we are in the midst of now. COVID-19 has literally turned the world upside down. People are afraid of being close to each other, quarantining till no end, triggered by people who don't wear masks or those that do, subjected to mass censorship across all media platforms, constantly confused, depressed from isolation/loss of job/stress, stressed from kids/family/economic dystopia, drinking more/abusing drugs more, frustrated with the school system, pressured to keep healthy at all times, fulfill their social/work/education lives through a computer, not allowed to worship in church... the list goes on and on and on. This ever going list we are "supposed to" manage is causing devastating separation amongst people and life as we knew it is gone.

My heavy heart and I unpacked all of these thoughts and more standing in front of this empty canvas. There was so much raw emotion inside me that a river poured out from inside, which felt like some good therapy. I tried to contemplate Jesus's standpoint on all of this. There's so much controversy regarding what the Christian role is right now. Do we wear masks and "protect thy neighbor", or- do we have faith in the God-given and God-created body/immune system and "Do Not Fear"? I do not picture Jesus wearing a mask as He had walked directly to the sick, diseased and the lepers without hesitation. He came to Earth to show us that He was indeed one of us and how to act, think and pray. We humans have always taken matters into our own hands as to what we should do with diseased people and sinners, while Jesus would simply act with fearless love. He always made it easier than we do/did.

My heavy heart painted Him wearing a mask/a muzzle) under tears that are pouring down His face. Jesus's hands are folded heavy in prayer instead of the warm, candle-holding expression He previously had. His hands and arms are black as to resemble ash, burnt out from trying to help and pray for us. I pictured His angst when he stormed the temple courts and flipped over tables and thought with the world's current conditions, he might feel similarly to the anger and sadness he felt in the temple. 

We are all trying so desperately hard to get through this strange time the best we can, and under no circumstance should lose hope. GOD IS IN CONTROL no matter who is in office or what happens. Despite the heavy heart, there is hope knowing the almighty God has this in His plan. To represent hope and faith, I smushed yellow paint up in the top, right corner. It might not look clear or strong, but it is there. God says "if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, then nothing shall be impossible". That more than ever applies here and now, although it is hard to remember some days.


 “Man screams from the depths of his soul; the whole era becomes a single, piercing shriek. Art also screams, into the deep darkness, screams for help, screams for the spirit. This is Expressionism.”
― Hermann Bahr



ART HISTORY NOTE: Characteristics attributed to the artistic era "German Expressionism". German Expressionists’ works focused on the role of individual in the theme of their art. Many artists like Vincent Van Gogh and Edvard Munch drew their inspiration from The Fauvists. Their work protested against new and unwanted changes brought into society.